RUBIX Panel Systems

By Design, to enhance the staff capacity with maximum efficiency, “RUBIX series” is designed for Collaboration, Flexibility and Simple Modern Look. RUBIX helps the user adjust the placement and configuration as per their need with options for supporting individual behavior. “RUBIX” system is the best answer for all lifestyle, reflecting what you are.
By Design, to enhance the staff capacity with maximum efficiency, “RUBIX series” is designed for Collaboration, Flexibility and Simple Modern Look. RUBIX helps the user adjust the placement and configuration as per their need with options for supporting individual behavior. “RUBIX” system is the best answer for all lifestyle, reflecting what you are
By Design, to enhance the staff capacity with maximum efficiency, “RUBIX series” is designed for Collaboration, Flexibility and Simple Modern Look. RUBIX helps the user adjust the placement and configuration as per their need with options for supporting individual behavior. “RUBIX” system is the best answer for all lifestyle, reflecting what you are.
Please refer to RUBIX brochure
Please refer to RUBIX brochure
– There are various RUBIX leg designs to support various work space. RUBIX leg has been fabricated by high quality steel with 75-micron anti rust power coating.
– ACCESSORY FUNCTION has been designed to make users more comfortable. Users can select various accessories as needs to facilitate your work effectiveness.
– ABOVE POWER ACCESS makes the user reaches the important data source, and shares their own data together easily. Above Power Access has been designed to support new technology for increasing work effectiveness. Above Power Access could be your appropriate answer for your work space.
– OVERHEAD CABINET will make you have more work space, and it will be a safety storage for your confidential files.
– BELOW POWER ACCESS makes the user reaches the important data source, and enhances performance with more workspace. Below Power Access has been also designed to support various working styles with all new technologies.
5 years
BIFMA Certified / SCS Certified